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Brenda Sandquist

Messy Tapestries Create Beautiful Crowns 

Life. It can be filled with overwhelming chaos and brokenness at times causing feelings of unimaginable thoughts to escape it just for a minute or forever.  The reality that your story might be cut short because at times it is too much to bear is considered daily by many.  I want you to know that your story matters, the tapestry of your story must have the opportunity to create the beauty of who you are designed to be. You matter!  


The back side of a tapestry is a maze of cut threads and apparent chaos that appears to be a mess and worth nothing.  What is being created is not yet revealed.  The thought of an unfinished tapestry is often considered by many who just don’t have the energy to keep weaving.  They hear over and over verbally and as a tape in their mind, “the world would be better off without you in it, you are a burden, you need to try harder, you are just too hard to love, you will never be good enough” until the pressure to cut the thread to tapestry just becomes too much to bear.  The body shaming and verbal social assaults on our youth and vulnerable populations is overwhelming.  If I could, I would stand on top of a mountain and shout to let you know, that is not true!  You, matter! Your tapestry matters! The cut threads, the messy twisted and knotted threads will become clearer. Keep weaving! 


Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who, along with her family, harbored hundreds of Jews amid the Nazi Holocaust to protect them from arrest during World War II. It's believed their efforts saved nearly 800 lives. Eventually betrayed by a fellow Dutch citizen, the entire family was imprisoned. 


She would say: “Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown. 


Hang in there. The trials of your life are just part of a beautiful masterwork you will see in hindsight. 


Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.” 


Does God always grant us what we ask for in prayer? Not always. Sometimes He says, ‘No.’ That is because God knows what we do not know. God knows all. Look at this piece of embroidery. The wrong side is chaos. But look at the beautiful picture on the other side – the right side.”  “We see now the wrong side; God sees His side all the time. One day we shall see the embroidery from His side and thank Him for every answered and unanswered prayer.” Corrie Ten Boom, 


God does see His side, the side we can’t see clearly now. What I do know is that we can’t do this life alone, we need each other. The lies you are being told are not a part of the masterpiece that is being woven as your story. It is my passion to champion your story, a story that is infused with the truth that you are loved and valued. While the back side of your life’s tapestry might appear, filled with knotted threads hanging from the chaos you experience, the front side being created is truly beautiful. Don’t cut your tapestry threads short, your story matters. I see the beauty being created, and together we can show the world, even if it isn’t clear to you right now, the you that you are becoming is powerful and amazing. Don’t “empty today of its strength” keep fighting for your tapestry. You matter! 


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